Times campaign: Get rid of outdated laws

After 20 years of economic reforms, our laws have still not been rid of obscure and obsolete provisions. Whether they are central or state, the laws continue to offer ample scope to 'authorities' to harass law-abiding citizens. You can be arrested, your homes and establishments raided, your businesses shut down, and your reputation affected (at least temporarily) -- for reasons that no right-thinking person would consider criminal or immoral. Unfortunately, there are 'sections' buried deep inside some 'Act' or the other that allow motivated arrests, raids, and other forms of state-sponsored action.

Also read: Statutory warning: Old laws hurt industry

Some of these 'legal provisions' were actually born out of the need of our erstwhile British rulers to keep us in line -- but have, incredibly enough, not been struck off the statute books because it now suits our Indian rulers to keep them handy. More often than not, they are 'enforced' to extract bribes, scare off political rivals, or 'settle scores'. Even business leaders who are known for their high ethical standards privately tell TOI that their companies at times have no choice but to 'take care' of the inspectors and other government officers who come calling. "Some of the rules and regulations they cite are unbelievably stupid and archaic, and they come in the way of doing business honestly. We all know why they do it. Apart from the harassment we are subjected to, it increases our cost of doing business," said a prominent and universally well-regarded industrialist.

If we pride ourselves as a liberal democracy, such laws must go.

This newspaper has often written against them, as and when they have been used to harass innocent people. Over the next few weeks, we will run a series titled 'OUTLAWS' on laws that have no place in a law-abiding society. Please post your comments and suggestions here.

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